The University of California, Santa Barbara is committed to the ethical principles for the protection of human subjects in research set forth in the Belmont Report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and protections provided in 45 CFR Part 46. At UCSB, the Human Subjects Committee (HSC) serves as the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for reviewing research applications involving human subjects. The primary mission of the HSC is to ensure the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects who participate in research conducted by university faculty, staff, and students.

Review and approval by the HSC is required before starting research involving human subjectsThe HSC is charged with ensuring compliance with federal regulations, state and local laws, and UC policies.

Questions? Contact us at:

Email: or
Telephone: 805-893-3807 or 805-893-4290
Fax: 805-893-2611

Mailing Information:
Human Subjects Coordinator
Office of Research, 3227 Cheadle Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2050

Campus mail code: MC 2050

Human Subjects Training Requirements

Human Subjects Committee 

The Committee:

The UCSB Human Subjects Committee (HSC) is an independent administrative committee mandated by the Department of Health and Human Services and responsible to Office for Human Research Protections Program (OHRP). The HSC is composed of scientists, non-scientists, and community members with varying backgrounds of expertise, to promote complete and adequate review of human subjects research activities conducted by UCSB researchers.

The Office:

The UCSB Human Subjects Office is the administrative support unit that conducts administrative pre-reviews of proposed research activities, ensures researchers follow federal, state, and university regulations when using human subjects as research participants. The HS Office offers advice on and assistance with the development of human subjects protocol applications, and supports the HSC. The HS Office also provides education and outreach to the campus community and acts as a liaison between various campus departments, researchers, the HSC, and governmental agencies.

Federal Wide Assurance and IRB Registration:

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA): FWA00006361

Expires: 7/30/2029

Institutional Review Board Name (on file with OHRP): U California Santa Barbara #1

IRB Identification/Registration #: IRB00000307

Expires 3/12/2028