This page contains common institutional data required by sponsors and needed for proposals.


The Legal Name of the University The Regents of the University of California
The Name of Our Campus University of California, Santa Barbara
The Street Address (also for deliveries) Office of Research
University of California
3227 Cheadle Hall, 3rd floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2050
The Type of Performing Organization 1862 - Land Grant University
(est. by US Dept of Ag)
Congressional District 24th
CAGE/Commercial and Government Entity Code 4B561
CEC/Contractor Establishment Code 16-216-437A
DUNS/Data Universal Numbering System & CCR Number 09-487-8394: Dept of Education #363424946
(no additional numbers)
UEI/Unique Entity Identifier G9QBQDH39DF4
Entity Identification Number 1956006145A1 (PHS only)
Environmental Health & Safety Alex Moretto 893-4899; fax 893-8659
Bio Safety Jamie Bishop 893-8894
FICE/Federal Interagency Committee On Education 001320-1
Districts Assembly District - 35th
Congressional District - 24th
Senate District - 19th
IDC and CBR Rate Agreement Indirect Costs (IDC) or Facilities and Administration (F&A) Costs and CBR Rate Agreement dated 12/23/2024
IRS Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 95-6006145

Institutional Profile Number (IPF)

System for Award Management (SAM) Status Active
SAM Expiration Date 10/14/2025
Mail Office of Research: 2050 (OR mail code)
Campus Mail Codes
Wire Transfers Sending a Wire Transfer to UCSB
NAICS/North American Industry Classification System 611310
NIH Institutional Profile File (IPF) Number 577509
NSF Submitting Institution Code 0013201000
UC Participant Identification Code (PIC) 999467340
Risk Management and Insurance Administrator Ron Betancourt 893-5837
PHS Animal Welfare Assurance No. D16-00497 exp. 06/30/2025
Contact: 893-5855
USDA-APHIS Registration Certificate No. 93-R-0438, exp. 9/15/2023
Contact: 893-5855
AAALAC Accreditation AAALAC Accredited Unit Number 001414
Most recent accreditation date: 10/31/2021
Contact: 893-5855
Federal Wide Assurance Number for Human Subjects Research FWA00006361 exp. 03/11/2026 Contact: Monica Solorzano 893-3807; 
Short Contractor Code (SCC) SSC-calr
U.S. State Department J1 Visa; Designation #P-1-3332
Year Academic: October - June
Fiscal: July - June
Checks Payable To: The Regents of the University of California
Cashiers Office
SAASB Building, Room #1212
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-2003
(If Award documents are enclosed with the check, then mail to the Office of Research address) Office of Research
University of California
3227 Cheadle Hall, 3rd floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2050
Federal Government Contract Admin Office Office of Naval Research
140 Sylvester Road, Bldg. 140, Rm 218
San Diego, CA 92106-3521
Contract Administrator: Mr. James Canty
Ph: (619) 221-5488; fax (619) 221-5602
Cognizant Federal Government Audit Agency Office Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Audit
Contact: Cora Coleman (Director: Wallace Chan)
50 United Nations Plaza, Rm. #171
San Francisco, CA 94102
Ph: (415) 437-7820
UC Single Audit Reports UCOP Website
State Single Point of Contact Education / Cal Dept of Education
Hanna L. Walker, Director
Contact: Jerry Cummings, ISA Coord.
721 Capitol Mall, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 94244-2720
(916) 657-2577; fax (916) 657-2682

Grants Coordinator
Office of Planning and Research
P.O. Box 3044, Rm. 222
1400 Tenth Street
Sacramento, CA 95812-3044
Ph: (916) 445-0613; fax (916) 323-3018
HSI and AANAPISI Grant Eligibility Please see the attached letter here.
UC Counsel 1111 Franklin 8th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
Ph: (510) 987-9800 fax: (510) 987-9757