The Office of Research would like to see our faculty be recognized for their ground-breaking work. Below we list a few especially prestigious honors and awards and a bit about the nomination processes. If you would like to nominate a UCSB colleague or be nominated for one of these awards or honors, please contact us for additional information and assistance in coordination of nomination materials.
The Association of American Universities hosts a list of additional prestigious awards and honors.
Additionally, the Office of Research has prepared a short outline for how early career faculty can plan and position themselves for increasingly prestigious awards and honors over the span of their careers.
Planning for Career Awards and Honors: Best Practices for Junior Faculty
Keep track of upcoming deadlines by subscribing to the Honors and Awards Google calendar, maintained by SRI.
Leigh Anne Riedman, SRI Associate, Science & Engineering
Melissa Bator, SRI Associate, Humanities, Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Education
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Join the Honors & Awards UCSB Google Group to receive updates and deadline reminders for upcoming honorifics and awards.
Guggenheim Fellowship