Human Subjects Committee
Human Subjects Bill of Rights (112e)
NIH-HS Statement Regarding Education in the Protection of Humans Research Participant
HSC Human Subjects Research Determination Form
Form to assist investigators in determining if proposed research constitutes human subjects research. Form must be submitted to the HSC for review
Secondary Uses Human Subjects Decision Tree
CITI Program Training Instructions

Scientific Merit Review Form
Complete this form if you are receiving DOD funding and attach the completed form to the ORahs protocol for review

Exempt Anonymous Online Consent
Sample consent form may be used for exempt anonymous online studies
Exempt Mturk Online Consent
Sample consent form may be used for exempt Mturk studies
Exempt Interview Consent
Sample consent form may be used for exempt studies involving interviews with no audio/video recording
Exempt Interview Consent with Audio and/or Video Recording
Sample consent form may be used for exempt studies involving interviews with audio/video recording
Sample Debrief Form
Sample debrief form may be used by investigators for creating a debriefing script. Form includes tips on writing a debrief
Sample Classroom Project Consent
Sample consent form for classroom projects which are not intended for research purposes
Sample Social Behavioral Consent
Sample consent form for social-behavioral research may be used for non-exempt studies
Sample Social Behavioral Biomedical Component Consent
Sample consent form for social-behavioral research involving a biomedical (e.g., MRI, blood draw) component may be used for non-exempt studies. Includes language for NIH Data Sharing requirements

Sample General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Consent Language
To comply with the European Privacy Law, use this consent form in addition to any sample consent form when participants are residing in the EEA/EU.

Sample Consent for Participants in China
To comply with the Chinese Privacy Law, use this consent form in addition to any sample consent form when participants are residing in mainland China.

MRI Scanning Addendum

Use this form to clearly delineate MRI scanning sequences, including length of time, approximate decibel range, and number of scanning sessions

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
IACUC Research/Teaching Protocol Application - no longer in use
As of December 2023 all protocol applications must be submitted through the ORAMS online system
Animal Researcher Training Checklist
Form must be used to complete required training
Occupational Health and Safety Evaluation Form
All personnel working with live vertebrate species must complete this form
Custom Antibody Form
Form must be completed when using custom antibodies

Animal Facility Safety and Hygiene Plans
The relevant form(s) must be completed when working with hazardous materials in the animal facility (ARC)

MS-222 Chemical Hygiene Plan
Chemical Hygiene Plan for using MS-222 in field studies and animal facilities
Rodent Anesthesia and Surgery Record
Example of rodent anesthesia and surgery record
Rodent Post-Op Care Log
Example of post-op care logs
Protocol Training Roster
To be completed when updating or adding new personnel to a protocol. This form can also be submitted with the Annual Update Form
Procedural Training Template
Example of procedural training template
Terrestrial Animal Facility Standard Operating Procedure Template
Standard Operating Procedures for PI maintained facilities
Aquatic Animal Facility Standard Operating Procedure Template
Standard Operating Procedures for PI maintained facilities
Fish Census Reporting Form
Example of monthly census reports
Do I Need Protocol? Form
Form is used to help determine whether a protocol is required for certain projects
Semiannual Checklist for Terrestrial Animal Housing and Support Areas
IACUC members use this checklist when conducting an inspection of an area where terrestrial species are held and/or used
Semiannual Checklist for Aquatic Animal Housing and Support Areas
IACUC members use this checklist when conducting an inspection of an area where aquatic species are held and/or used
Semiannual Checklist for Aseptic Surgery Areas
IACUC members use this checklist when conducting an inspection of an area where aseptic surgical procedures are performed on animals
Semiannual Checklist for Procedure Areas and Laboratories
IACUC members use this checklist when conducting an inspection of a procedure area or laboratory where non-survival surgeries, rodent surgeries, imaging, whole body irradiation, hazardous agent containment and/or behavioral studies are conducted
UCSB Field Research Plan
Highly recommended for all PIs that conduct field research in remote areas. The UCSB Field Safety Program is administered by EH&S.