International shipments must comply with export control laws. Shipments of some items to certain countries may require a license from the U.S. government.
The campus Export Control Officer can help you determine when you need a license to ship or hand carry items (e.g. equipment, samples, fabricated parts, etc.) to international destinations. The movement of items internationally is highly regulated. The applicability of the regulations to the items you are shipping or hand carrying depend on what the item is, where the item is going, and who will be receiving the item.
As a shipper, it is your responsibility to contact the UC Santa Barbara Export Control Officer ( before your item leaves the U.S. The Export Control Officer, and other offices at UCSB, offer resources and support to faculty, staff and students to help you understand the applicable laws and ensure that transactions are conducted legally, while still supporting research timelines.
Depending on what you are shipping internationally, the government may control the item(s) for export. Items being shipped from UCSB must have a corresponding Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). The ECCN provides context on how and why the item is controlled and the destinations that would require an export license (i.e. government authorization) or license exception. A license is an authorization by the U.S. Government to export items (e.g. equipment, samples, fabricated parts, etc.) in support of international field research and/or international collaborations. Reasons for government control range from national security concerns to foreign policy objectives. The Export Control Officer is available to assist with determining the ECCN that is applicable to your item.
The government imposes sanctions and arms embargoes on a number of countries, so where your item is going must be evaluated in conjunction with how the item is controlled.
Who is receiving your item(s) may also necessitate an export license or other approval. Individuals, organizations or businesses may also be sanctioned. A number of foreign research institutions and universities are listed as restricted parties. As is the case with sanctioned countries, an export license or license exception is required to ship an item to restricted parties.
UCSB’s Export Control Officer can help mitigate risk by determining export license requirements to ensure there are no unlicensed exports. Contact the Export Control Officer at or visit our export control website for more information.
Penalties for non-compliance may result in fines, delays, seizure of an item or potential imprisonment.