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Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG)

Additional NSF Notices and Announcements


2021 PAPPG Summary of Significant Changes and Clarifications

The following are some of the major changes to the PAPPG: 

  • Requests for Reasonable and Accessibility Accommodations, is an entirely new section which provides guidance on the process for submitting requests for reasonable accommodations regarding the proposal process or requests for accessibility accommodations to access NSF’s electronic systems, websites, and other digital content. Chapter II.A.2 
  • Biographical Sketches, has been revised to increase the page limit for biographical sketch(es) to three pages. This section also has been updated to include reference to a new table entitled NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support. The table has been developed to assist users in completion of these sections of the proposal. Chapter II.C.2.f
  • Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, provides new coverage to implement Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. Chapters II.C.2.g(xiii)(e) and X.F
  • Current and Pending Support, has been updated to require that information on objectives and overlap with other projects be provided, to help NSF and reviewers assess overlap/duplication. This section also has been updated to include reference to a new table entitled NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support. The table has been developed to assist users in completion of these sections of the proposal. Chapter II.C.2.h
  • Planning Proposal, provides coverage on the policies and procedures associated with this new type of proposal. Chapter II.E.1
  • Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests, has been added as a new "Other Proposal Type". This section includes guidance on submission of such requests.  Chapter II.E.8
  • Travel Proposal, has been supplemented with new language which specifies Authorized Organizational Representatives must certify that prior to the proposer’s participation in the meeting for which NSF travel support is being requested, the proposer will assure that the meeting organizer has a written policy or code-of-conduct addressing harassment. Chapter II.E.11
  • Grant Closeout, incorporates new requirements specified in 2 CFR §200.344(i). If a grantee does not submit all required reports within one year of the period of performance end date, NSF must report the grantee’s material failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the award with the OMB-designated integrity and performance system.  Chapter VII.D.5

For a comprehensive listing, go to Significant Changes and Clarifications to the PAPPG on the NSF website.  

Find recent Dear Colleague Letters from the past month here.

As of January 18, 2011, all proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) must include a Data Management Plan that describes how the proposal will adhere to the NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results. Investigators are expected to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the primary data, samples, physical collections, and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of work under NSF grants. Grantees are expected to encourage and facilitate such sharing. See Award & Administration Guide (AAG) Chapter VI.D.4 for more detailed information.

Data management requirements and plans specific to Directorates, Office, Division, Program, or other NSF unit, relevant to a proposal are available at: If guidance specific to the program is not provided, then the requirements established in Grant Proposal Guide, Chapter II.C.2.j apply.

A Data Management plan may include:

  1. the types of data, samples, physical collections, software, curriculum materials, and other materials to be produced in the course of the project;
  2. the standards to be used for data and metadata format and content (where existing standards are absent or deemed inadequate, this should be documented along with any proposed solutions or remedies);
  3. policies for access and sharing including provisions for appropriate protection of privacy, confidentiality, security, intellectual property, or other rights or requirements;
  4. policies and provisions for re-use, re-distribution, and the production of derivatives; and
  5. plans for archiving data, samples, and other research products, and for preservation of access to them.

If a Data Management plan is not relevant to the proposed research, a valid plan may state that no detailed plan is needed, provided that clear justification is offered.

NSF proposals that request funding to support postdoctoral researchers must include a description of the mentoring activities that will be provided for such individuals. In no more than one page, the mentoring plan must describe the mentoring that will be provided to all postdoctoral researchers supported by the project, irrespective of whether they reside at the submitting organization, any subawardee organization, or at any organization participating in a simultaneously submitted collaborative project. See the current NSF Grant Proposal Guide Chapter II.C.2j for more information.


The Office of Research Postdoctoral Scholars Resources page

The Research Development team can offer guidance on data management plans as they relate to a specific proposal. For more information, get in touch with one of our Research Development Directors.