Federal Updates
With the transition to a new federal administration, we are seeing a steady stream of evolving news and policy updates, many of which require careful evaluation. We understand that these developments are raising questions and concerns across the University of California community and may be affecting the ability to maintain normal business and studies. Across the UC system, teams are working diligently to assess how executive orders and other federal actions may impact the University, including research funding, student aid, DEI efforts, services and more.
As always, UCSB remains committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff by providing timely information, clear guidance and access to key resources.
To support these resources, UC Office of the President has developed a resource hub on federal updates that includes a dashboard of executive actions, key messages and support resources, including for undocumented members of the UC community. This site is regularly updated as new information becomes available and we gain clarity on potential impacts.
Information for Researchers
Executive Orders by the White House and their implementation by various federal agencies have impacted UC Santa Barbara research portfolio. The Office of Research, UCSBs federal relations team, and senior leaders are working to stay abreast of developments to shape the university’s response and provide guidance to campus and to individual researchers whose federally funded research has been specifically impacted by stop-work orders, termination orders, requests for certification, and surveys. Standard processes by the agencies to promote federally funded research have been delayed or interrupted. Proposals recommended for funding may be placed on hold until further notice by the funding agency.
Executive Orders are issued to federal agencies and not to campuses. Federal agencies act on these and issue guidance to grantees. Different agencies have responded differently, which means that UC Santa Barbara's implementation of agency guidance remains situational and flexible. Federal agencies have also changed course as required by multiple temporary restraining orders and injunctions.
Recommendations for researchers
Active Grant and Contract Awards
- Performance on active awards can continue if obligated funds are available AND a stop-work or termination order has not been issued by the agency.
- Notices of new, continuing, or supplemental funding may be delayed. Monitor fund balances to avoid deficits while waiting for continuation funding. Anticipated future funding is always subject to the availability of funds and should not be considered guaranteed.
- Stay in contact with your program officers, if possible. However, some agencies have put a temporary hold on communications as Executive Order implementation plans are established or modified.
- Monitor updates from federal agencies from UCOP on funding or compliance requirements.
- If Principal Investigators (PIs) or department administrators receive any award notifications or other agency communications, including "Stop-Work" or "Termination" Orders, Certifications or Surveys, please forward them to Sponsored Projects Team so that Sponsored Projects can be alerted promptly and inform you of any required procedures. Certifications and surveys, in particular, require thorough review for accuracy and appropriateness.
New Federal Grant and Contract Proposals
- Proposals may continue to be submitted to available federal funding opportunities.
- Federal agency proposal review timelines may be delayed due to agency-specific implementation plans and funding guidelines.
- Check program websites and funding opportunities regularly for changes in deadline dates.
- Carefully monitor for new versions of funding opportunities to ensure that your proposal is compliant. While funding opportunities often make explicit the changes that occur with each revision, not all changes in the wording may be highlighted.
- Sign up for federal agency alerts, if available, especially for the agencies to which you apply.
- Monitor program websites and FAQs for any news about grant reviews and award decisions.
Other useful sources of information:
- The Council on Government Relations (COGR): 2025 Administration transition information.
- Lewis-Burke Associates: Agency responses to executive orders (updated March 10).
- Frequently asked questions about F&A, developed by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), explains the essential role of F&A costs—also known as indirect costs—in supporting federally funded research.
- Federal Updates provided by the UC Office of the President (UCOP).