The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is pleased to announce a seed grant funding program for research teams currently seeking grant funding for their research. The seed grant program is intended to support the proposal writing process of teams from the Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (HASSE), to help them prepare a competitive, large collaborative grant proposal that should be submitted within the next academic year. Research using any of the methodological or theoretical paradigms within the social and humanistic social sciences is welcome. Selected teams will receive up to $5000 and inclusion in two separate and supportive, 1-day writing retreats for the team to meet, write, and receive feedback on their funding proposal.
Applications are due on November 12, 2024 via this google form.
Application requirements
1-2 page (minimum 11 pt. font, single-spaced) abstract of research project describing a) significance of the project, b) the research question(s), c) methods, d) detailed timeline for developing the large collaborative proposal, and e) budget with short justification
name and URL link for the funding opportunity to which the team intends to apply
evidence of contact with the funding agency’s program director/officer*
*Correspondence with the intended funding agency to determine funding fit is required. Communication with targeted funding agencies will help determine successful applications. Please reach out to Melissa Bator if you need assistance with this step.
Collaborative teams applying to the seed funding program must contain at least one ladder faculty member from the humanities, arts, social sciences, and education disciplines at UCSB. Collaborative research teams must consist of at least two faculty members. Teams may be interdisciplinary and contain collaborators from other institutions, but this is not a requirement. This seed grant is not intended to support student research. Upon receipt of application, Melissa Bator will contact applicants to discuss the research project’s fit with the identified funding agency.
Award Details
Successful proposals will receive the following resources to develop competitive proposals:
1. Inclusion in two proposal writing retreats (Winter and Spring 2025)
2. Up to $5,000 for necessary proposal development and pilot research activities, which can include:
Travel: for the purpose of meeting with collaborators to develop and write extramural proposals, meeting with program directors at potential funding agencies
Costs associated with conducting pilot research, such as supplies and human subjects costs
Funding to pay students to assist with proposal development (e.g., preliminary field work, literature reviews, document preparation): UCSB graduate or undergraduate students only; no GSHIP or fees; no postdocs
Costs related to hosting of meetings/seminars
Items that will not be funded: computers, faculty salaries, replacement funding to permit release from teaching, equipment costing more than $500, conference travel (unless meeting at a conference is the most efficient way to meet with your research team, explain this in detail in your budget justification)
Timeline for proposed work
All regular projects funded in this cycle will have a start date of January 6, 2025, and an end date of September 1, 2025.
SRI Contact
Strategic Research Initiatives is available to consult on proposal narrative elements and answer other program-related questions. Please contact Melissa Bator ( for additional support.