Essential Information: Training, Forms, & Links

Disclosure Forms & Requirements

Required COI Training

All research employees of the University of California are required to take conflict of interest (COI) training once every four years. Each researcher will receive email notification from the HR department, which includes a unique link to the Compliance and Conflict of Interest Briefing for Researchers (COIR). This briefing satisfies the COI training requirement imposed by the Public Health Services (PHS). If you did not receive an email with a link to the training, 1) login to the LMS system and search COIR, or 2) contact LMS to request your unique link, or 3) contact the COI Administrator at

Principal Investigators with PHS funding are required to identify any person identified as Senior or Key personnel, and others who direct or can materially influence the research, or who are responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of such research. The PI should identify these investigators on the DCR Personnel Form  and ensure that they have received COI training.

*In the event that an investigator is not on the UCSB payroll and not automatically enrolled in the COI training, please contact for further instructions.

Subrecipient Training

Subrecipient personnel, meeting the definition of investigator, whose Institution does not have its own PHS compliant COI policy, are required to take the training module provided by NIH. Training must be completed before engaging in any research related to PHS funded awards and once every four years. Once the training has been completed send a copy of the training certificate of completion along with the Subrecipient Commitment Form to your designated departmental point of contact at UCSB.


Additional Links

The links below provide useful information regarding conflict of interest in research and related information.

NIH Financial Conflict of Interest

UCOP Conflict of Interest

List of Non-governmental Entities Exempt From Disclosure Requirement


Nicole Foley
Conflict of Interest Specialist

For general questions related to COI, contact:



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552 University Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2050

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