COI Training
Investigators on PHS funded projects must complete the UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (ECBR) course every four years. To meet this requirement, investigators should either access the training by using this direct link to the ECBR training or log into the UCSB Learning Center and enter the course code "ECBR-SB-ECO" in the search box and complete the online course. If you find that you do not have access to the training, please contact
Note: The Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers is considered mandatory training by the UC office of the President. UCSB researchers are required to complete this training every 2 years. UCSB researchers already in compliance with the mandatory training requirement should already be in compliance with the COI training requirement.
Forms and Other Guidance
Laws & Policies
- Federal Regulations
- Department of Energy COI Requirements
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration COI policy (effective December 1, 2023)
- California Law
- UCOP Policies
Other Resources
- List of PHS Agencies and Entities Following PHS FCOI Requirements
- Department of Energy COI Requirements
- NASA COI Requirements
- COI Disclosure Table – overview of disclosure requirements
- COI Tools
- SBIR & STTR COI Guidance